More than a Spectator

How many parents are guilty of this: we take our kids to an activity of some sort, and then watch from the sidelines.  Perhaps we talk with a friend.  Perhaps, if you are like me, you snap a ton of photos.


I  mean, why do we not get involved?  Why do we make ourselves mere spectators?

Today, my family and I went to play tennis.  I got involved in the game.  Granted, none of us are any good at it, but that's okay.  It's the process, not the end result that counts, right?  It was such fun to be involved rather than watching from the sideline.

This is a good analogy for life itself.

Last week, I blogged about our lack of experiencing life.  This week, I continue this theme.  We really must be more than spectators if we want to know life - the ups and downs, the joys and sorrows.  It's a beautiful game if we participate.


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