Feeling Caged

I saw a meme today that reads, "Someone once said, 'If you look at the people in your circle and don't get inspired, then you don't have a circle, you have a cage.'"  I can relate to this meme because that is best way I can describe how I feel right now.  I feel caged.  I feel stuck. 

This week has been a long week.  To be honest, the past few months have been draining for me.  I have not felt this way for quite a few years.  I feel like something needs to change, but I am not sure how to change what needs to be changed. 

What tires me are the elitist comments I hear every day, the "this-is-just-the-way-things-are" mindset in the environment in which I find myself, the cliquey atmosphere and attitudes.  I just become so frustrated.  And I can't say anything.  That is the bad part.  I can't say anything because of the risks of losing things I need if I do say something. 

Today, I had to get out.  I had to get away, alone, to contemplate, to think, to write out my feelings.  I parked at a park and jotted down some things that are going to change when I am in this environment.  Here is the edited version of what I wrote: 

"I am tired of pretending to agree with people I do not agree with.  I am tired of going along for the sake of wages or a job or a name.  From now on, when someone - I do not care who - makes an arrogant, classist, narcissistic, what-they-interpret-as-clever-or-funny-but-it-is-really-demeaning-to-another-person comment, I will reply.  That person may not like my reply, but I hope it makes him/her think.  I will reply, even if the statement is not directed toward me.  If I am within earshot of the comment, I will reply. I would rather stand alone than stand with verbal abuse.  I will become as bold in my speaking as I am in my writing.  My responses will show my strength." 

Now that I type it, this appears to be an affirmation.  Perhaps I should print it off and read it every morning before I leave home or tape it to the sun visor in my car to read whenever I need to read it.  Maybe the determination to act, and the actual action, will help me feel less caged until I find myself unstuck.   


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