More on Scrupulosity (Drills)
From the little research I have gathered on the topic of scrupulosity, it is believed that this religious OCD is caused by both hereditary and environmental factors. Both nature and nurture. From my own experience, I agree with that. I believe compulsions (perhaps including scrupulosity) have been passed down to many on my mother's side of the family. I also believe environment does play a key factor.
I've been thinking a lot about drills lately. Not drills like the type with which you bore a hole into wood. Drills like fire drills, weather drills, spelling word drills.
During WWII, kids were exposed to war-time drills, bomb drills. "This is what you do in case a bomb drops on our school" kind of drills. "This is what you do in case of a nuclear emergency." That type of repetition of something so horribly frightening often left a lasting emotional impact - a fear of what could drop out of the sky unexpectedly, a fear of what could show up out of no where and ruin life as it is known and enjoyed.
I remember when I had a home-based daycare a few years ago. We were required to do monthly fire and tornado drills. My son, Nathanael, was around five or six at the time. Even though I made the drills as relaxed as possible (I did not want to scare the kids), Nathanael suddenly became scared of storms. The repetition and thought of what could happen instilled a fear he had not naturally known.
So how does this apply spiritually?
What types of "drills" could instill a fear within people? What makes them terrified that they are going to think a thought that may offend God? What gives them compulsions and obsessions that they cannot say a prayer or need to keep starting over, that they worry that they are praying to the devil instead of to God, that their actions may harm themselves or others? What types of "drills" could cause such misery?
I've been thinking a lot about drills lately. Not drills like the type with which you bore a hole into wood. Drills like fire drills, weather drills, spelling word drills.
During WWII, kids were exposed to war-time drills, bomb drills. "This is what you do in case a bomb drops on our school" kind of drills. "This is what you do in case of a nuclear emergency." That type of repetition of something so horribly frightening often left a lasting emotional impact - a fear of what could drop out of the sky unexpectedly, a fear of what could show up out of no where and ruin life as it is known and enjoyed.
I remember when I had a home-based daycare a few years ago. We were required to do monthly fire and tornado drills. My son, Nathanael, was around five or six at the time. Even though I made the drills as relaxed as possible (I did not want to scare the kids), Nathanael suddenly became scared of storms. The repetition and thought of what could happen instilled a fear he had not naturally known.
So how does this apply spiritually?
What types of "drills" could instill a fear within people? What makes them terrified that they are going to think a thought that may offend God? What gives them compulsions and obsessions that they cannot say a prayer or need to keep starting over, that they worry that they are praying to the devil instead of to God, that their actions may harm themselves or others? What types of "drills" could cause such misery?
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