Frame of Mind or Something More
I have always disliked going to Wal-Mart on a Saturday afternoon. It is so busy, so crowded. I always blamed it on there being too many people.
This afternoon, we went grocery shopping at Wal-Mart. There was a mom with a young son, who was trying to maneuver him through the people. She told a friend, "This is why I don't come to Wal-Mart on Saturday afternoons."
That got me to thinking. I recently went to a concert I had been waiting patiently to see. There were a lot of people; and the singer and the band signed autographs for anyone that wanted one after the show. It was crowded and busy, but I didn't mind being there. In fact, I enjoyed standing in line, seeing others who were just as excited. I would have stayed after getting the autograph, just to be a part of the interaction.
Now it could just be that I wanted to be at the concert and I don't want to be at Wal-Mart. It could be all being in the right frame of mind. But I have to wonder if it is the fact that when a mom is at Wal-Mart with her kids, she feels in the way of other people. Like she needs to hurry in order not to inconvenience others. At the concert, I did not feel that way. There was an atmosphere that everyone was there because they wanted to be. There was almost a bonding of fans of this particular artist. We could empathize with one another.
There are many places in society where we feel "in the way." Chances are, when we feel that way, we're not going to tough it out for too long. We'll go if we have to, but leave as soon as possible. We rush through the experience of being there. But when we feel welcome, when we feel a part of others, we enjoy our time there. We commit mental photographs to our memory, just as we take pictures of cherished memories.
Just some thoughts.
This afternoon, we went grocery shopping at Wal-Mart. There was a mom with a young son, who was trying to maneuver him through the people. She told a friend, "This is why I don't come to Wal-Mart on Saturday afternoons."
That got me to thinking. I recently went to a concert I had been waiting patiently to see. There were a lot of people; and the singer and the band signed autographs for anyone that wanted one after the show. It was crowded and busy, but I didn't mind being there. In fact, I enjoyed standing in line, seeing others who were just as excited. I would have stayed after getting the autograph, just to be a part of the interaction.
Now it could just be that I wanted to be at the concert and I don't want to be at Wal-Mart. It could be all being in the right frame of mind. But I have to wonder if it is the fact that when a mom is at Wal-Mart with her kids, she feels in the way of other people. Like she needs to hurry in order not to inconvenience others. At the concert, I did not feel that way. There was an atmosphere that everyone was there because they wanted to be. There was almost a bonding of fans of this particular artist. We could empathize with one another.
There are many places in society where we feel "in the way." Chances are, when we feel that way, we're not going to tough it out for too long. We'll go if we have to, but leave as soon as possible. We rush through the experience of being there. But when we feel welcome, when we feel a part of others, we enjoy our time there. We commit mental photographs to our memory, just as we take pictures of cherished memories.
Just some thoughts.
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