Housechurching - Romans 9 (Determination vs. Complacency)

What a discussion for our housechurch today!

Today, we studied from Romans 9.  So much of our focus was on Paul's reference to Jacob and Esau.  Why was Jacob chosen by God while he and his brother were still in the womb?  Wasn't Jacob the liar, thief, and deceiver?  Wasn't Esau the innocent one?  And, by right, shouldn't Esau have been chosen, anyway, since he was the first-born?  Why on earth would God choose Jacob?

We discussed the fact that Esau willingly gave up his birthright for a bowl of soup.  He treated it as worthless.  We discussed that Jacob was willing to do anything - even wrong things - to get the birthright and the blessing.  It didn't stop there.  He even wrestled with God, determined to get His blessing.

I had to admit that I love Jacob's attitude.  The Esau attitude, though, is so prevalent both in Christian and secular society today.  I believe the Esau attitude is behind complacency.  It is behind the attitude of "Oh, well, it will all be good...."  Sigh.  It is behind the cult of positive thinking.  This is not the attitude God desires, as is proven by His choosing of Jacob over Esau.  God desires our determination.  God desires us to be willing to wrestle it out with Him and ourselves to come to the point of receiving His promises against all odds.  Complacency is what God meant when He said, "Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated" (Romans 9:13).

What a lesson for us today!


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