Housechurching - 1-4-15
Last week, for our housechurch, we discussed the first Verse of Romans 12. From the Message Bible, "So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life - your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking around life - and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him."
We discussed that God wants to be a part of what we enjoy.
This week, we got even deeper into Romans 12 and continued this topic. I love the latter part of Verse 3, "The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what He does for us, not by what we are and what we do for Him."
Is that not the perfect statement of what grace really is? It's not what we can do for God. It's what He does for us. What a perfect way to lead into a study of the body of Christ and gifts God gives us by His grace in Verses 4-8. Verses 6-8 in the Message read,
"So since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ's body, let's just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren't. If you preach, just preach God's Message, nothing else; if you help, just help, don't take over; if you teach, stick to your teaching; if you give encouraging guidance, be careful that you don't get bossy; if you're put in charge, don't manipulate; if you're called to give aid to people in distress, keep your eyes open and be quick to respond; if you work with the disadvantaged, don't let yourself get irritated with them or depressed by them. Keep a smile on your face."
This last part really spoke to me. Sometimes I get so depressed when I see people who are hurting because of situations they cannot get out of - especially in abusive situations. It gets me down so much, because I know what it is like. I know what freedom feels like as well. And when people refuse to acknowledge that freedom, it is difficult for me. I really needed to study that Passage today.
Verse nine begins with the statement, "Love from the center of who you are; don't fake it." I told Nathanael that reminds me of his laugh when he was little. Everyone commented on Nathanael's laugh. When he laughed, he laughed from the center of himself and threw his whole body into it. Anyone who heard him laugh could not help but laugh along. That's what it's like to love from the center of who we are.
Again, Verses 11-13 in today's study also spoke to me, "Don't burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don't quit in hard times, pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality."
Oh, it is so difficult sometimes to keep ourselves fueled. Nathanael took over here. He told me that he will not give up on things, even if it takes him until the end of time to accomplish them. What a lesson for me.
Lastly, we discussed Verses 20-21, "Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch; or if he is thirsty, get him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness. Don't let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good."
This reminded me of the Martin Luther King, Jr. quote about darkness not being able to drive our darkness (only light can) and hate not being able to drive out hate (only love can). We discussed that quote and how it applies to this closing to Romans 12.
What a wonderful study for our housechurch today!
We discussed that God wants to be a part of what we enjoy.
This week, we got even deeper into Romans 12 and continued this topic. I love the latter part of Verse 3, "The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what He does for us, not by what we are and what we do for Him."
Is that not the perfect statement of what grace really is? It's not what we can do for God. It's what He does for us. What a perfect way to lead into a study of the body of Christ and gifts God gives us by His grace in Verses 4-8. Verses 6-8 in the Message read,
"So since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ's body, let's just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren't. If you preach, just preach God's Message, nothing else; if you help, just help, don't take over; if you teach, stick to your teaching; if you give encouraging guidance, be careful that you don't get bossy; if you're put in charge, don't manipulate; if you're called to give aid to people in distress, keep your eyes open and be quick to respond; if you work with the disadvantaged, don't let yourself get irritated with them or depressed by them. Keep a smile on your face."
This last part really spoke to me. Sometimes I get so depressed when I see people who are hurting because of situations they cannot get out of - especially in abusive situations. It gets me down so much, because I know what it is like. I know what freedom feels like as well. And when people refuse to acknowledge that freedom, it is difficult for me. I really needed to study that Passage today.
Verse nine begins with the statement, "Love from the center of who you are; don't fake it." I told Nathanael that reminds me of his laugh when he was little. Everyone commented on Nathanael's laugh. When he laughed, he laughed from the center of himself and threw his whole body into it. Anyone who heard him laugh could not help but laugh along. That's what it's like to love from the center of who we are.
Again, Verses 11-13 in today's study also spoke to me, "Don't burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don't quit in hard times, pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality."
Oh, it is so difficult sometimes to keep ourselves fueled. Nathanael took over here. He told me that he will not give up on things, even if it takes him until the end of time to accomplish them. What a lesson for me.
Lastly, we discussed Verses 20-21, "Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch; or if he is thirsty, get him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness. Don't let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good."
This reminded me of the Martin Luther King, Jr. quote about darkness not being able to drive our darkness (only light can) and hate not being able to drive out hate (only love can). We discussed that quote and how it applies to this closing to Romans 12.
What a wonderful study for our housechurch today!
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