Who I Am...

One of my favorite parts of Eat, Pray, Love is the idea of finding a word that fits us - that describes us.  Not our roles.  I am a wife, I am a mother, I am a homeschool parent.  I am a graduate student.  I am a para educator.    Those are wonderful roles, but they are not who I am.

I encourage people everywhere to do this, to record who they are.  Because we are all pretty amazing.

Who I am...

1. A follower of Jesus who knows Him as my Savior.

2. Imperfect, but that's the way it's supposed to be.

3.  A studier.  Not just a student.  A student is a role.  I am a studier.

4.  A feeler.

5.  An analyzer.

6. An experiencer.

7.  Eccentric at times.

8.  Me

Who are you?


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