A Little Glitter on Stressful Days
I just finished writing, revising, and editing my master's thesis over "The Problem of the Stigma of Marxism for Christian Advocacy Writers Who Focus on Historical, Social Inequalities." This past Friday, I did my defense. (I passed! Yay!). Now I am just awaiting some necessary information from my college's library to submit my thesis to them to have it published on the Digital Commons and in the ProQuest dissertation and thesis database.
Other than the work with my thesis, I also started back to work last week after a somewhat - well, stressful - summer. I had a good summer. It was just not quite as restful as my summers off from work usually are. Therefore, I was not quite ready for work to start again. It's taking a while to get back in the groove. I am adjusting though.
On top of that, we have some necessary home improvements we are needing to make - as quickly as possible. They are ones that cannot be avoided any longer. We live in an old house. You know, one that cannot be considered antique or vintage. It's just old. That's not a bad thing. I love our house. It just means it is sometimes difficult to keep up with.
Sometimes I feel like no one understands my stress. Most of the time, people do not like to hear about my interests. Most do not care to hear about my thesis process, my frustrations, or my passion for my topic. I admit sometimes that annoys me. Sometimes I want to talk about my interests, my stresses, my things. Sometimes these feelings of irritation make me want to distance myself from everyone - to curl up on my own, deserted island.
When I came home from work today (a little stressed, just because of the need to get my thesis submitted to the library and the unexpected delays there), I checked emails. I decided to peek in on social media and blogs I watch. One of the blogs I have been watching is my professor's - that is, the professor who is the chairperson of my thesis committee. I discovered when she blogged this week about celebration, she included a quick mention of my thesis defense. I have to tell you, I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry because someone got it. Someone got how important this defense was, how this is a wonderful celebration for me. Someone mentioned it because she wanted to mention it instead of me having to mention it to others. That may not seem like much to anyone else, but it is a big deal to me. I like glitter, so I am going to call that mentioning of my celebration a little bit of glitter on my stressful days. It makes the evening look a little more sparkly. It kind of gives my cloud a pretty, shiny, silver lining.
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