Prairie Dress Lovers Unite in the Name of Diversity
The photos I am posting below are not to jump on the "Let's make fun of the prairie dresses from Target" bandwagon. In fact, their purpose is quite the opposite. I am posting these photos because I love the historic-style dresses, and I am weary of people ganging up to mock whatever is popular to mock, just because it is different. I mean, I see it all the time - whether it be Nickelback or Twilight books or, well, prairie dresses. It's like bullying is okay as long as everyone else is doing it. Well, I have news: it's not okay.
I giggled at some of the early blog and Facebook posts of women posing on farms in prairie dresses. It broke their boredom from being in lockdown. There is nothing wrong with good humor. What is wrong is when people become like high schoolers who bully and mock just because it is popular. So, in response, here are the three dresses I have found at Target - and I have one more that I recently ordered from their website. Two are the prairie style. One is more medieval. But, hey, I love historical clothing of all kinds.
For others who enjoy prairie dresses, wear your dresses proudly. There is nothing wrong with being different. Prairie dress lovers unite against the mocking! Unite in the name of diversity!
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