On Heath Ledger
Today marks the eleventh anniversary of the death of Heath Ledger. Each year on his birthday and on the anniversary of his death, I make it a point to wear Heath Ledger gear and watch Heath Ledger movies. You see, I feel a connection to Heath Ledger.
Something many people do not know about me is I have always had what I call prophetic dreams. Generally, these dreams are warning dreams - dreams that something that will be upsetting is about to happen. Before my mother died, I dreamed she was no longer going to be with us.
One year when my younger son was little, I dreamed he cut himself. In my dream, I could not see his arms, but there was no blood. Something else was the fact that, in my dream, he did not cry. I went throughout our house, putting up anything at all he could cut himself on. That year, we had a horrible ice storm, and we lost power for a week. The Red Cross paid for my family to stay in a hotel for the last three or four nights we were without power because one of our sons was sick, and they did not want us to go to the city's shelter. On the night before our power came back on, someone from our homeschooling group at the time brought us a food basket that contained a bag of apples. When we got home, my son, then not quite three, wanted an apple. I was hurrying, getting ready for work. I cut his apple in half, gave him half the apple cut into pieces, and stuck the knife in the other half of the apple and laid it on the counter in case he wanted it before I left. Pretty soon, he came out of the kitchen holding his hand. He had decided he did want more of it and did not want to wait for help. We rushed him to the doctor, who confirmed he did need stitches. Now, I don't know if you have ever seen stitches put in a little one's finger, but the doctor restrains the child in a papoose blanket. So, just like in my dream, I could not see my son's arms, but there was no blood. And even the doctor commented, he never cried.
Up to this time, every warning dream I had had - from my teen years onward - had involved someone I was close to. For some reason, though, two days before Heath Ledger died, I had a dream about him. It was a strange dream - one that I could not get out of my mind (just as all my warning dreams are). When, two days later, I heard the actor had died and I researched his death, I made the connection between my dream and his death. At that point, I began researching all I could about his life. My goal was and still is to eventually compile all my research into a book. I have started the project, and I still keep up with any new articles that circulate about the star.
A few months - maybe a year or two - after Heath Ledger died, I had another dream about him. In this dream, he was in a room full of cupboards. I asked him if he knew something bad was going to happen to someone, would he tell that person. He answered he would not. What is meant to be will happen. Why try to prevent it?
So tonight, as usual, on this anniversary of his death, I am wearing my favorite Heath Ledger t-shirt and will be watching some Heath Ledger movies. This is all in memory of a talent, an individual, someone who has more than once been described as an old soul, that left this earth too soon.
Something many people do not know about me is I have always had what I call prophetic dreams. Generally, these dreams are warning dreams - dreams that something that will be upsetting is about to happen. Before my mother died, I dreamed she was no longer going to be with us.
One year when my younger son was little, I dreamed he cut himself. In my dream, I could not see his arms, but there was no blood. Something else was the fact that, in my dream, he did not cry. I went throughout our house, putting up anything at all he could cut himself on. That year, we had a horrible ice storm, and we lost power for a week. The Red Cross paid for my family to stay in a hotel for the last three or four nights we were without power because one of our sons was sick, and they did not want us to go to the city's shelter. On the night before our power came back on, someone from our homeschooling group at the time brought us a food basket that contained a bag of apples. When we got home, my son, then not quite three, wanted an apple. I was hurrying, getting ready for work. I cut his apple in half, gave him half the apple cut into pieces, and stuck the knife in the other half of the apple and laid it on the counter in case he wanted it before I left. Pretty soon, he came out of the kitchen holding his hand. He had decided he did want more of it and did not want to wait for help. We rushed him to the doctor, who confirmed he did need stitches. Now, I don't know if you have ever seen stitches put in a little one's finger, but the doctor restrains the child in a papoose blanket. So, just like in my dream, I could not see my son's arms, but there was no blood. And even the doctor commented, he never cried.
Up to this time, every warning dream I had had - from my teen years onward - had involved someone I was close to. For some reason, though, two days before Heath Ledger died, I had a dream about him. It was a strange dream - one that I could not get out of my mind (just as all my warning dreams are). When, two days later, I heard the actor had died and I researched his death, I made the connection between my dream and his death. At that point, I began researching all I could about his life. My goal was and still is to eventually compile all my research into a book. I have started the project, and I still keep up with any new articles that circulate about the star.
A few months - maybe a year or two - after Heath Ledger died, I had another dream about him. In this dream, he was in a room full of cupboards. I asked him if he knew something bad was going to happen to someone, would he tell that person. He answered he would not. What is meant to be will happen. Why try to prevent it?
So tonight, as usual, on this anniversary of his death, I am wearing my favorite Heath Ledger t-shirt and will be watching some Heath Ledger movies. This is all in memory of a talent, an individual, someone who has more than once been described as an old soul, that left this earth too soon.

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