
My son Taliesin is an artist. A couple years ago, he had his ocean creature drawings displayed in the museum at our local zoo. This year, he entered three of pieces in a contest at our local art center. One was chosen for an exhibit called the Sunflower Biennial. The Sunflower Biennial is an exhibit that features young artists between the ages of fourteen and twenty-two that reside in our state.
Tonight, we attended an artist reception to kick off this exhibit. He received two big compliments. First, a local artist and writer asked him where his art is hanging. He explained the location. She went to look and came back and told him she had seen his work but had not paid attention to the names. She said on her first time through, she told the person with her that his work is her favorite piece in that room. Then, on our way out, Taliesin thanked the judge who decided which art would be included in the exhibit. The artist who served as judge has had his own art exhibited throughout the United States and holds a master's degree in art. This artist told Taliesin there are many works of art that can be copied. Their lines or their strokes can be duplicated. He told Taliesin his art can't. He told him it's a powerful piece that is all him. He told Taliesin his work was one of the first ones to come through. When he saw it, he knew it had to be included in the exhibit. He told Taliesin to keep up the good work.
On the way home, Taliesin and I discussed the fact that many people do not understand Taliesin's style of art. People, especially in our city and area of the country, prefer realistic art. They do not understand the point of concept art. Many times, people do not understand such concept art because they are taught, from their childhood in school art classes, that all art has to be the same. It all has to look a certain way. Taliesin's art is not meant to just beautify. Sometimes it's not meant to be beautiful at all. In fact, sometimes it is meant to be quite the opposite. It is meant to make a statement. I love it that other artists understand Taliesin's self-expression through his art.

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