Hypocritical Elitism in the Hollywood College Scandal
I have been reading a lot about the college scandal with Hollywood actresses and other members of the wealthy population. It really bothers me for several reasons.
- First, it bothers me because of the elitism - the idea that people have to get into certain colleges.
- It bothers me because of the privilege that comes with being wealthy - these individuals thought they could buy their kids' way into college. What kind of system do we have when this is even considered an option?
- I bothers me because many who really want to go to college cannot. (I was in this situation for many years).
- It bothers me because we have politicians (ahem... certain Presidents who shall remain unnamed) who are trying to make student loan forgiveness more difficult when the people who are seeking it earned their degrees; they just cannot afford to pay.
- It bothers me because other politicians who claim higher education should be available to all are being condemned by the elite.
This whole thing is just one, big mess of hypocritical elitism.

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