The New "Normal"

I just watched a touching video on FB. The video tells the story of a boy who had been lifetime friends with a girl who has Down Syndrome. He made a promise in fourth grade that he would take her to the prom. However, the girl moved away. They lost touch. They were reunited at a high school football game in which he was a quarterback for one team and she was the water girl for another team. When he saw her again, he was reminded of his promise and asked her to prom. Their friendship stood the test of time.

It really is a nice story, and I love that he was true to his word and that their friendship lasted. However, isn't it really kind of sad that such a story goes viral on social media because it is so out of the ordinary that someone who does not have Down Syndrome would think to go to prom with someone who does have Down Syndrome? I yearn for the day when such stories are nothing unusual - the day when people accepting people for who they are is just the way things are done. I yearn for a day when someone who is what society considers normal is not lauded for being friends with someone who is considered not normal or average.

We have come a long way in recognizing disabilities and recognizing the value of individuals who are different than others.Yes, we hear all the time "Everyone is different," but do we truly accept what that means? I think we will know we truly mean "Everyone is different" when such stories as the one presented in this video are no longer video-worthy. This is when differences will truly be accepted. This will be when the new "normal" means there is no normal. This will be when labels to help us understand others are unnecessary; a day without standardized ideas of what is socially acceptable.

The Bible talks about a time when the wolf will lie down with the lamb, a lion and a calf will eat together, and a child will lead (Isaiah 11:6). I've always considered this a time of perfect peace. Perhaps, though, it will also be a time of perfect diversity because differences will not be considered or even recognized. There will be no differences. There will be no normal. 


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