Kids and Decision

When I was growing up, parents made most of the decisions.  Kids really had no say in anything. 

I always use the example of Thousand Island salad dressing.  That was the choice of salad dressings.  But I never liked Thousand Island.  Today, I avoid Thousand Island salad dressing at all costs.  However, if my sons choose to like it, I would buy it. 

There are a lot of foods that my sons like that I do not.  They love pancakes.  Pancakes (most breakfast foods, in general), I have never liked at all.  But pancakes are a regular for them. 

At the same time, there are foods that I like that they do not (or my husband likes that they do not).  I eat these foods (or my husband does) while our sons choose to opt out. 

You know what?  That's okay!  We all have different likes and dislikes. 

I had an interesting conversation in the break room at work a few nights ago about movies.  My co-worker loves old movies - classic Hollywood.  He just can't stand new Hollywood. 

I am the opposite.  I grew up only being able to watch old movies, so today they put a bad taste in my mouth.  There are a few I can watch, but newer movies are much more my thing. 

Funny thing is, my eleven-year old loves old movies.  I remember the day, we searched for Phantom of the Opera and found the classic, silent movie on YouTube.  He was enthralled.  He loves The Grapes of Wrath with Henry Fonda (thanks to one of our annual banned book studies).  He loves monster movies - both new and old.  Godzilla, The Blob, The Creature from the Black Lagoon

That is fine.  He is allowed to choose for himself.  So he is finding value in things I haven't been able to, because that was the only choice I had. 

If I sit in a blue room for long enough, I am either going to come out hating blue or deciding that I like it because I have never known anything else.  I have generally taken the former approach.  I want may sons to see all colors of the rainbow; then they can truly decide what is their personal favorite. 


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