
Pneumatology is the branch of theology dealing with the Holy Spirit.  I have also found it is one of the easiest ideologies to indoctrinate, causing confusion and debate.

The Holy Spirit is viewed by one philosophy as the third Person of God. He is viewed by another as the power of God.  Some say that evidence of the Holy Spirit in a person's life is following the rules set by the establishment in question.  Others day it is speaking in other languages.

 I could go into the argument, "But what does the Bible say?"  But I won't.  I won't because that's how these things get started.  Opinions over Biblical interpretation.  The Bible tells us of the fruit of the Holy Spirit and gifts of the Holy Spirit.  It tells us we can even grieve the Holy Spirit by our actions.  It tells us that the Holy Spirit prays for in groanings that we cannot possibly fathom.  But those are only the attributes that are able to be put into earthly words.  

I believe God is an experiential God.  I believe God has written the truth in His Word.  However, I also believe that God wants relationship.  He wants us to experience Him.  Experiencing Him is the work of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit can be felt.  Just today, as I was driving back to work after my lunch break, I heard a song on the radio that mentioned what it would be like hearing the voice of Jesus welcoming us.  Those words gave me chills - in a good way.  I think we can hear that voice well before reaching our eternal destiny.  I believe we can hear that voice now.  Knowing that voice is the work of the Holy Spirit.  It's unable to be explained in words, but there is no doubt of its existence.  It's that feeling that radiates from deep within that reminds us how much God loves us - that we are His children.

There are many teachings that will try to put the Holy Spirit in a box.  "This is what He does.  This is how you act.  This is how it is."  But as with other man-made restrictions, God doesn't fit well in our boxes.


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