Tired of the Public School Is Everything Mentality

Public schools in our city begin this coming Tuesday, August 12.  Each year, our family celebrates a "Not Back to School Day" some time during the "Back to School" week.  This year, our plans included ice cream, movies, and a trip to our local water park.

That is, until we discovered that the water park is closed that week.  They will re-open for one more weekend, then close for the season.

What happened to Labor Day weekend being the end of summer?

It seems that more and more society is becoming a public school society.  Public school schedules dominate everything about when summer begins and ends.  A child's identity is no longer based upon age or interest.  It is based upon what grade that child is in and what school that child is going to.

I, for one, think the human habitation of Mars is sounding more and more inviting.  Where do I sign up?


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