Disturbing Parenting Trend? How Boys are Treated in Comparison to Girls

Everyone who knows me knows I advocate for equal treatment of sexes.  We do not do boy/girl things.  I know, first hand, of how it feels to be discriminated against because I am a woman.  That said, I have noticed on several occasions what I consider a disturbing parenting trend in how boys (sons) are treated in comparison to girls (daughters).

I have noticed on more than one occasion boys being left out of activities as the girls spend one-on-one time with parents (particularly, with mothers).  I believe this trend arises from the traditionalist mindset of girls being active with mothers and boys being active with fathers.  However, when the household is a single-parent household with only a mother present most of the time, sons are often left out in the cold.

This trend bothers me.  This trend tells boys that they are not as good as their sisters, that they are not worth the trouble of taking along, that their mothers prefer time with their sisters.  And then, so often, mothers complain about the behavior of their sons.  I don't blame their sons.  If I were them, I would not behave well either.  Bad behavior is their one way of fighting back.  It's their way of saying, "I don't want you to know how much I care."

Just some thoughts.


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