God's Definition of Success

I have been really down the past few days.  Sometimes it seems as though there is no getting ahead in the world.  There is no "success."

On days like these, I have to be reminded what success is.  It's not what the world says it is.  According to the Bible, which I believes gives us our answers, those who are most successful to God are not successful according to the world's standards.  It is not the rich and powerful that are respected by God.  It is not those with the best education or the best jobs.  It is those who are weak, according to the world's standards.  I Corinthians 1:27 tells us,

"But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong."

All of my life God has led me to grassroots movements.  I was homeschooled and now unschool my sons.  I began my writing career through writing locally and through self-publication.  I volunteer at prison ministries - not in the usual way with a church group, but on my own.  My family and I housechurch, and I'm researching more and more about the organic church movement.  It's not that I'm a grassroots kind of person.  To be honest, as far as making a living and being a part of things goes,  taking on these types of movements would not be my first choice. I can say that we chose homeschooling, but I think it really chose me.  It chose us.  I'm the type of person who would enjoy being able to make a living doing something that I enjoy.  But it's never worked out that way.   But that's okay.  It has often - really, always - been through rejection that I have been pushed into these movements.  There are different plans in the works.  I know what God has placed on my heart.  I cannot waiver for what is more comfortable.  Grassroots movement it is.


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